I wish I would have had the foresight to have taken pictures of this project along the way, but I'm just lucky to have finished it before our church Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday!
My daughter wanted to be Sally Stitches, so I went straight to work on this elaborate costume! It took me longer than I thought it would. First, I made a dress out of muslin by tracing the shape of one of my daughter's existing dresses. I looked at plenty of pictures of Sally online to see just what her dress looked like. I had most of the fabric on hand, but I ended up buying some corduroy for half off at Joann's to fill in the gaps and add some texture. I drew the shapes directly onto the muslin and cut pieces to fit out of the different fabrics. I used some Heat and Bond to attach the different pieces to the muslin dress. Then I
zagged around each different piece to secure it.
Next I took some black yarn and a needle and stitched marks around each of the pieces. This took me a while. I cut the sleeves and painted black lines on the yellow one with fabric paint. I attached the sleeves to the dress last.
I made the wig with two skeins of thick rust-colored yarn. I could have just sprayed her hair red, but I really thought that the yarn wig would look cool. I cut the two skeins into long strips, then carefully sewed them right in the middle onto a leftover piece of thick interface. Then I sewed a piece of elastic to go around her head and attached the interfacing to it in the front and the back. I added some elastic to the sides as well, so it wouldn't slide from side to side. If you are interested in seeing how I did it, I can take some pictures.
Last, I made the legs and arms. I dyed two pairs of white tights to a light blue color. I then cut some
cardstock into strips and fed them into the legs so I could paint the stitches on. I just used puff paint and they dried really quickly. Then I flipped them over and did the other side. For the arms, I cut the legs off the tights and cut holes for her fingers to go through.
We used
NYX Baby Blue Jumbo Eye Pencil and Cool Blue eye shadow for her face and neck. I put some pink eye shadow on her eyes and used an
NYX white Jumbo Eye Pencil for under her eyes. I used a black eyeliner for the stitches. We finished her off with mascara and pink lips.